Friday, February 9, 2018


 I love evangelism!  True evangelism, evangelism that takes place naturally.  I hate evangelism as most people understand it.  Many of us have been taught evangelism is walking up to strangers and asking if they know Jesus. I would rather eat a bug!  Think of any other scenario in which this would be appropriate.  "Hello sir, ah, I was uh wondering if you, uh, like vanilla ice cream?"  

    The funniest Super Bowl advertisement this year, in my opinion, was when the red M&M turned into Danny Devito and he ran up to strangers asking if they wanted to eat him.  The shear ridiculousness of this scenario made it hilarious. 

Why is it any less ridiculous for us to walk up to a complete stranger and ask such a personal question about their faith?  Is it never ok to engage a stranger about matters of faith?  Of course we need to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  There may be times when we are prompted to do this, such as Phillip with the Ethiopian eunuch.  

Mostly, evangelism needs to happen naturally through established relationship.  This does not mean we have to wait weeks, months or years, a relationship can be established in a matter of minutes, under the right circumstances.

   Jesus met needs, establishing trust and opening the door to conversation.  Jesus did not meet needs in order to fulfill some quota of conversions, He met needs because He loved. Jesus met perceived needs so He could get to the real need, the often hidden or unrecognized need, freedom from the wages of sin. 

     Evangelism must be born out of love for God and others, empowered by the Holy Spirit and sincere.  If it is forced or canned everyone will be uncomfortable.  Look for opportunities to share love by meeting the needs of others, follow the leading of the Spirit of God and share your faith by your lifestyle first and words later.

     Nothing is more satisfying than seeing God transform a life and getting to be part of that!

Now, go live as Christ... and give the devil hell!!

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